The first three stories of Luke 5 share an interesting feature. In each one of them, the person in contact with Jesus starts the story with a knowledge of Jesus and some degree of faith. During the Jesus encounter, that person is changed and exits the story quite differently than he entered.
Simon knew Jesus; that is obvious. Jesus climbs in his boat and Simon does not object. After using his boat, Simon addresses Jesus as "master". At worst, it is a nominal familiarity and he is showing respect to a local rabbi. At best, there have been conversations prior to the encounter. Simon leaves the encounter with a new purpose; he is no longer a fisherman but a disciple who will reach out to men.
The leper approaches Jesus and makes a declaration of faith. He leaves the encounter healed physically, restored socially and engaged evangelistically.
The paralytic came to Jesus via the mercy of friends. I wonder if he begged them to help, if they were family, and if he was known to others in the room. In a small village, surely everyone knew him. They probably did not know his faith though. Dropped into an encounter with the healer he left not only walking but strong enough to carry his mat with him.
Three people who all had some degree of faith but their encounter with Jesus moved it to a new level.
So I ask myself do I just know of this man or have I been changed by an encounter? Do I need to encounter him again or am I whole emotionally and spiritually?
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