God told Joshua to be strong and courageous. He could have told him to be humble or be patient or be caring. All are Godly traits. Yet he commanded strength and courage. Perhaps Joshua was timid or passive. Perhaps it was simply the position Joshua was in, i.e., the needs of the people at the moment. Or perhaps it was more about God.
If God was going to be able to help his people in the same way that he had helped them before, he needed the opportunity to show up. If Joshua was passive or indecisive, then there would not be a chance for God to perform any great works through him. How can God reward faith and step boldly into our lives if we do not take any risks? If we are always in control of life and never place ourselves in a vulnerable situation, then how will God have the chance to manifest himself?
So God called Joshua to strength and courage; surely he wants the same in his people today. Surely he wants the chance to manifest himself in us, i.e., to be seen as the one true God who is still actively at work in his people. Yet what chances does he get? We cherish security and work to eliminate risks, even developing "risk management" offices and seminars. But why would God ever show up in a life where we have taken total control and never step out in bold faith? Surely God smiled when Joshua walked away from his meeting with God and proclaimed "in three days we cross the river to take possession of the land." Soon God would split the Jordan river, tumble Jericho without a fight and become the focus of every resident for miles around. All the results of Joshua's courageous faith.
Surely there are rivers to cross and strongholds to tumble in my world that are God-sized jobs. The question is will I be courageous enough to give God the opportunity to show up?
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