Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mark 4:1-20; Unfruitful

It is so easy to think that others suffer from being choked out while I am the last soil; but I have to be honest. When I act stressed over the "to do list" of today, am I not choking out the fruit of the Spirit in my life? When I worry about a certain event (a deadline, an activity) am I not choking my spiritual life?

It is hard to live in the land of affluence and not become blind to the needs of others. While most of the world lives on a dollar a day, I waste multiple dollars daily on junk food, coffee or unnecessary items, all the while thinking that I am not deceived like others. All the while I think I can watch today's media and not let it control my desires either. Innocently or ignorantly I watch commercial after commercial and slowly become discontent with what I have so that I start to desire what I do not have . . . and do not need.

In my garden there is a weed that I hate. It is pretty at first and it grows at phenomenal rates. It even has some pretty morning-glory-like flowers. Yet if I leave it alone for a week, it will wrap around and weave through other plants so much that it chokes them. It is an amazing plant that perfectly represents the worries of life, the deceitfulness of wealth and the desire for other things. Left unattended my spirit gets invaded. My heart and original intent can still be seen but only as remnants of what they could have been.

I don't want to be a skeleton of what could have been. I don't want to get to the end of life and see that I almost lived out my convictions. I don't want to be choked into living almost spiritually. . . almost but not enough to have significant fruit.

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