God seems to show up in the strangest places sometimes. Just when we think we have him all secure in nice church buildings, good Christian universities or well conducted small groups, he surprises us. In this chapter he worked through a prostitute to speak to spies. Their message then encouraged his chosen leader to boldly move forward.
Prostitutes and spies. Those are not the typical people we think of God working in. The story pushes our box open forcing us to remember that God is the God of heaven and earth (to use the words of Rahab). Reflecting on other stories of the Old Testament, God worked in Egyptian midwives, a sorcerer, foreign kings and even a donkey.
Today, then, where might I find God? Perhaps in a casual conversation in the hallway, the homeless man at the traffic light, the rebellious student or any one of a million other options. It seems that the primary issue is not if God is active around us but can we see him. An wise doctor once told me we can only diagnose what we look for; you can't diagnose a disease you are not familiar with. Likewise, we will never see God at work if we are not looking for him . . . whether in a church building or in the most unlikely places and people imaginable to us.
Lord, today, open the eyes of my soul and give me spiritual vision.
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